You'd lie perfectly in my arms in every parallel With my back opposed to you, each inch was accounted for The feeling of your breath upon the curve of my neck, weight of your arms hugging my own, our breaths syncing without effort From the small of my back and every part of you below the waist tracing me like a glove, you shadowed a blanket of warmth and comfort over me that made me dig deeper It was a sensation I hoped to never forget, nor long for Yet here I lie, vacant and cold Every moment of solitude I'm left craving your embrace What I would do to taste your skin; feel it tighten as your body convinced me you would fit into me like a puzzle forever. photo taken by me at Mass MoCA
sculpture created by Anish Kapoor
photo cred: @shopgossamer They were beautiful
but they still made me cry They always told the same promises the same lies I wanted to believe No, I did believe Through every I love you and every I'm sorry Lost between meanings I lost myself over and over again Or did I try to use you to find me? All the years I basked in your approval Now you mocked me in plain site You betrayed me because I betrayed myself With each sip
you became a deeper shade my darkest of fantasies your smile was clarification I could have you effortlessly without hesitation Just one taste
Gripping my fingers around your waist Open my mouth I want to feel your cold embrace Warm my body with each comforting sip Tonight I want to feel you on my lips and in his kiss His firm, yet gentle touch Forever longing for the rush |