Tears rolled down my cheek Your lips pressed against mine Tell me, how can I feel everything and nothing at the same exact time?
Are you sure the memory of your heart beating with mine was faint you were a vivid yet distant nightmare I wanted to forget Are you sure it was your love, so pure so refreshing I could have died within your arms and nothing else would have mattered Are you sure it was nothing because it took everything inside of me to peel myself off the floor everything inside of me to wipe my tears once more Are you sure it was nothing because it made me feel like dying inside inspired by Tame Impala : Love/Paranoia
If he wanted you, love
he would be here now it’s ok to remember back when your love between one another was the most beautiful shade be grateful for the time but let go of the immense love you once shared; let go of the lingering pain If he wanted you, love you would be there now but all you can be is here stop apologizing about not being enough for him because you were enough you are enough you will be enough, always I said
I couldn't feel anything Besides you pushing your stomach against the small of my back Making my fingertips dig into the edge of this bed I couldn't feel your heart beat like I once felt with each motion Couldn't feel Anything But your breath on my neck while you pushed your face against the side of my cheek I couldn't feel love I couldn't feel anything But me trying to stop these tears from rolling down my face You said You couldn't feel anything But my body hugging yours You said You couldn't feel anything You said You lived for me and now You live for yourself You said "I think this is the end" And for the first time since the last time you said "I'll love you forever I'll never leave your side" I believed you Cold
like when the New England ocean crashes against your skin in spring Blank as if I tried to write without any ink paint with just a wet brush leaving nothing but water marks that will soon dry up Your glass wall is shatter proof a thousand miles between each touch I could walk those thousand miles but that probably still wouldn't give me us |